Analysis I
by Terence Tao
Pages count :366 pages
Size :2473 ko
1 Introduction
- 1.1 What is analysis?
- 1.2 Why do analysis?
2 Starting at the beginning:the natural numbers
- 2.1 The Peano axioms
- 2.2 Addition
- 2.3 Multiplication
3 Set theory
- 3.1 Fundamentals
- 3.2 Russell’s paradox (Optional)
- 3.3 Functions
- 3.4 Images and inverse images
- 3.5 Cartesian products
- 3.6 Cardinality of sets
4 Integers and rationals
- 4.1 The integers
- 4.2 The rationals
- 4.3 Absolute value and exponentiation
- 4.4 Gaps in the rational numbers
5 The real numbers
- 5.1 Cauchy sequences
- 5.2 Equivalent Cauchy sequences
- 5.3 The construction of the real numbers
- 5.4 Ordering the reals
- 5.5 The least upper bound property
- 5.6 Real exponentiation, part I
6 Limits of sequences
- 6.1 Convergence and limit laws
- 6.2 The Extended real number system
- 6.3 Suprema and Infima of sequences
- 6.4 Limsup, Liminf, and limit points
- 6.5 Some standard limits
- 6.6 Subsequences
- 6.7 Real exponentiation, part II
7 Series
- 7.1 Finite series
- 7.2 Infinite series
- 7.3 Sums of non-negative numbers
- 7.4 Rearrangement of series
- 7.5 The root and ratio tests
8 Infinite sets
- 8.1 Countability
- 8.2 Summation on infinite sets
- 8.3 Uncountable sets
- 8.4 The axiom of choice
- 8.5 Ordered sets
9 Continuous functions on R
- 9.1 Subsets of the real line
- 9.2 The algebra of real-valued functions
- 9.3 Limiting values of functions
- 9.4 Continuous functions
- 9.5 Left and right limits
- 9.6 The maximum principle
- 9.7 The intermediate value theorem
- 9.8 Monotonic functions
- 9.9 Uniform continuity
- 9.10 Limits at infinity
10 Differentiation of functions
- 10.1 Basic definitions
- 10.2 Local maxima, local minima, and derivatives
- 10.3 Monotone functions and derivatives
- 10.4 Inverse functions and derivatives
- 10.5 L’Hopital’s rule
11 The Riemann integral
- 11.1 Partitions
- 11.2 Piecewise constant functions
- 11.3 Upper and lower Riemann integrals
- 11.4 Basic properties of the Riemann integral
- 11.5 Riemann integrability of continuous functions
- 11.6 Riemann integrability of monotone functions
- 11.7 A non-Riemann integrable function
- 11.8 The Riemann-Stieltjes integral
- 11.9 The two fundamental theorems of calculus
- 11.10 Consequences of the fundamental theorems
A Appendix:the basics of mathematical logic
- A.1 Mathematical statements
- A.2 Implication
- A.3 The structure of proofs
- A.4 Variables and quantifiers
- A.5 Nested quantifiers
- A.6 Some examples of proofs and quantifiers
- A.7 Equality
B Appendix:the decimal system
- B.1 The decimal representation of natural numbers
- B.2 The decimal representation of real numbers
- Index
- Texts and Readings in Mathematics